Glenn Taylor Alberta Party Leader

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We Have Much To Do

Well, this has been a big week.  People from all over Alberta have been asking me to consider running for the leadership of the Alberta Party. My good friends Ken Chapman and Satya Das have been encouraging me to run for some time now and have offered to work on a campaign with me.
Good people that I serve with on various boards and committees at a provincial level, along with folks from my home community have also taken the time to share their thoughts with me and encourage me to run as well.
Many people that I respect and admire, from Calgary to Grande Prairie, from Lethbridge to Edmonton and many communities in between have voiced their support for my candidacy.
So last week, after much discussion with my wife Donna, my children Zac and Kelsea and my Council colleagues I made a decision to seek the leadership of the Alberta Party and announced my candidacy.
My final decision was made after reflecting on my views of what I think a citizen servant leader should offer our Province. As you read my previous blog posts you might see that I am passionate about service to my fellow citizens as an elected official.
I believe that Alberta should aspire to be the best FOR the world. Not just the best IN the world, but the best FOR the world.  And I am tired of the old-style party politics that have been practiced here in Alberta for far too long.
Many people have shared with me that they have found our governance wanting, I agree with that. Our traditional political parties seem adrift and lost: they’re full of answers, but seldom stop to figure out the right questions.
We need a government ready to deliver on the promise of Alberta, to lead the flowering of our full potential.  That’s why the Alberta Party was reborn and that’s why I’m seeking the leadership of the Party and the people that have helped me find new hope and a political home in Alberta.
I believe that a better Alberta means building and sustaining safe, inclusive, welcoming and healthy, vibrant communities. It means investing in our creative communities and building on the strength of our cultural diversity. It means moving to fiscal responsibility, not just fiscal conservatism. It means rethinking the way we sustain the common good and build the common wealth for all Albertans.
 I’m running to bring back the spirit, the vision, and the daring of the era that attracted me to Alberta. I would like to lead a government that shares the progressive vision and collaborative values that define our people and our society here in Alberta.
As I continue along this journey of discovery and leadership I hope that you continue along with me. We have much to do.
 If you have any questions or ideas you want to share, email me at

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